
echo off

SET SRC=C:\Users\LoginUser\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.Windows.ContentDeliveryManager_cw5n1h2txyewy\LocalState\Assets
SET TMP=C:\Users\LoginUser\Pictures

for /r %SRC% %%i in (*.*) do (
    if not exist %TMP%\%%~nxi.bmp copy %%~i %TMP%\%%~nxi.bmp


rem pause


【Excel VBA】結合セルを作りながら貼り付ける



Option Explicit

Public Sub PasteMergedCell()

    Dim src As Range
    Set src = Application.InputBox(Prompt:="変換したいセルを選択してください。", Type:=8)

    Dim dst As Range
    Set dst = Application.InputBox(Prompt:="出力先セル(左上の1セル)を選択してください。", Type:=8)
    Dim mergeCellRowLength As Integer
    mergeCellRowLength = Application.InputBox(Prompt:="出力先で1行当たりマージするセル数を入力してください。", Type:=1)
    Dim mergeCellColArray As Variant
    Dim mergeCellColLengthInfo As String
    mergeCellColLengthInfo = Application.InputBox(Prompt:="出力先の列ごとにマージするセル数をカンマ区切りで入力してください。", Type:=2)
    mergeCellColArray = Split(mergeCellColLengthInfo, ",")
    Dim srcStartRow As Integer  'コピー開始行
    Dim srcStartCol As Integer  'コピー開始列
    srcStartRow = src.row
    srcStartCol = src.Column
    Dim pasteStartRow As Integer    '貼り付け開始行
    Dim pasteStartCol As Integer    '貼り付け開始列
    pasteStartRow = dst.row
    pasteStartCol = dst.Column
    Dim pasteTargetRow As Integer   '貼り付け行
    pasteTargetRow = pasteStartRow  '開始行で初期化
    Dim pasteTargetCol As Integer   '貼り付け列
    pasteTargetCol = pasteStartCol  '開始列で初期化
    Dim row As Integer  '現在行
    For row = srcStartRow To srcStartRow + src.Rows.Count - 1
        Dim srcCell As Range
        Dim maxLineCountPerSrcLine As Integer
        maxLineCountPerSrcLine = 0
        Dim col As Integer  '現在列
        For col = srcStartCol To srcStartCol + src.Columns.Count - 1
            Set srcCell = ActiveSheet.Cells(row, col)   '現在セル

            Dim srcLineCount As Integer
            srcLineCount = UBound(Split(srcCell.Text, vbLf)) + 1    '(セル内改行を取得する)
            Dim dstLogicalLineCount As Integer
            If srcLineCount < mergeCellRowLength Then
                dstLogicalLineCount = 1
                dstLogicalLineCount = srcLineCount / mergeCellRowLength
                If srcLineCount Mod mergeCellRowLength > 0 Then
                    dstLogicalLineCount = dstLogicalLineCount + 1
                End If
            End If
            Dim dstPysicalLineCount As Integer
            dstPysicalLineCount = dstLogicalLineCount * mergeCellRowLength
            If dstPysicalLineCount > maxLineCountPerSrcLine Then
                maxLineCountPerSrcLine = dstPysicalLineCount
            End If
        Next col

        Dim mergeCellColArrayIndex As Integer
        mergeCellColArrayIndex = 0
        For col = srcStartCol To srcStartCol + src.Columns.Count - 1
            Set srcCell = ActiveSheet.Cells(row, col)
            Dim mergeColLength As Integer
            mergeColLength = mergeCellColArray(mergeCellColArrayIndex)
            Dim pasteArea As Range
            Set pasteArea = Range(ActiveSheet.Cells(pasteTargetRow, pasteTargetCol), ActiveSheet.Cells(pasteTargetRow + maxLineCountPerSrcLine - 1, pasteTargetCol + mergeColLength - 1))
            pasteArea.UnMerge   'セルの結合を解除
            Application.DisplayAlerts = False  '--- 確認メッセージを非表示
            Application.DisplayAlerts = True   '--- 確認メッセージを表示
            pasteArea.Value = srcCell.Text
            pasteTargetCol = pasteTargetCol + mergeColLength
            mergeCellColArrayIndex = mergeCellColArrayIndex + 1
        Next col
        pasteTargetCol = pasteStartCol
        pasteTargetRow = pasteTargetRow + maxLineCountPerSrcLine
    Next row
End Sub

【Excel VBA】分類が縦に書かれているセルに線を引く


Option Explicit

Public Sub DrawLineVerticalClassification()

    Dim selectedSheet As Worksheet
    For Each selectedSheet In ActiveWindow.SelectedSheets
        Dim selectedRange As Range
        If TypeName(Selection) <> "Range" Then Exit Sub
        If Selection Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
        Set selectedRange = Selection
        Dim r As Integer
        For r = selectedRange(1).Row To selectedRange(selectedRange.Count).Row
            Dim c As Integer
            For c = selectedRange(1).Column To selectedRange(selectedRange.Count).Column
                Dim cell As Range
                Set cell = selectedSheet.Cells(r, c)
                cell.Borders(xlEdgeTop).LineStyle = xlLineStyleNone
                If DoesDrawLineEdgeTopInCell(selectedSheet, selectedRange, r, c) Then
                    cell.Borders(xlEdgeTop).LineStyle = xlContinuous
                End If
                cell.Borders(xlEdgeLeft).LineStyle = xlLineStyleNone
                If DoesDrawLineEdgeLeftInCell(selectedSheet, selectedRange, r, c) Then
                    cell.Borders(xlEdgeLeft).LineStyle = xlContinuous
                End If
                If r = selectedRange(selectedRange.Count).Row Then
                    cell.Borders(xlEdgeBottom).LineStyle = xlContinuous
                End If
                If c = selectedRange(selectedRange.Count).Column Then
                    cell.Borders(xlEdgeRight).LineStyle = xlContinuous
                End If
            Next c
        Next r
    Next selectedSheet
End Sub

Private Function DoesDrawLineEdgeTopInCell(ByVal sheet As Worksheet, ByVal selectedRange As Range, ByVal r As Integer, ByVal c As Integer) As Boolean
    If sheet.Cells(r, c).Text <> "" Then
        DoesDrawLineEdgeTopInCell = True
        Exit Function
    End If
    If c > selectedRange(1).Column Then
        If sheet.Cells(r, c - 1).Borders(xlEdgeTop).LineStyle = xlContinuous Then
            DoesDrawLineEdgeTopInCell = True
            Exit Function
        End If
    End If

    DoesDrawLineEdgeTopInCell = False
End Function

Private Function DoesDrawLineEdgeLeftInCell(ByVal sheet As Worksheet, ByVal selectedRange As Range, ByVal r As Integer, ByVal c As Integer) As Boolean

    If sheet.Cells(r, c).Text <> "" Then
        DoesDrawLineEdgeLeftInCell = True
        Exit Function
    End If

    If c > selectedRange(1).Column Then
        If sheet.Cells(r, c - 1).Text <> "" Then
            DoesDrawLineEdgeLeftInCell = False  '線を引かない
            Exit Function
        End If

        If sheet.Cells(r, c - 1).Borders(xlEdgeLeft).LineStyle = xlLineStyleNone Then
            DoesDrawLineEdgeLeftInCell = False  '線を引かない
            Exit Function
        End If
    End If
    If r > selectedRange(1).Row Then
        If sheet.Cells(r - 1, c).Borders(xlEdgeLeft).LineStyle = xlContinuous Then
            DoesDrawLineEdgeLeftInCell = True
            Exit Function
        End If
    End If

    DoesDrawLineEdgeLeftInCell = False
End Function